I get an error message when trying to open a game in the casino

If you receive an error message when trying to open a casino game, please make sure that you have closed any previous games you may have opened. Only one casino game can be played at a time. We also recommend clearing the "Cache" and "Cookies" in your internet browser. Please note that a stable internet connection is required in order to play at the casino. Using other programs or downloading other data can have a negative impact on the quality of your connection.

An issue can be temporary so try closing the error message pop-up and the game window and then reopening the game.

If the issue persists, please contact our Customer Care team and include the following information:

  • Were you playing on casino browser or mobile casino?
  • Which internet browser were you using (if applicable)?
  • Date and time of error:
  • Exact error message:
  • Game ID (you can find this in your account under Casino > My Casino > Game logs"